Wednesday 13 June 2012

UBS £1.4bn fraud accused Kweku Adoboli granted bail

A City trader accused of gambling away a record £1.4 billion in a banking fraud has been granted bail.

Kweku Adoboli, 32, from Clark Street, Whitechapel, east London, is accused of losing the money while working for Swiss banking giant UBS.
He denied two counts of fraud and two counts of false accounting at an earlier hearing but was remanded in custody.
Today after a bail hearing held behind closed doors at Southwark Crown Court, Adoboli was granted bail on the condition that he must reside at a friend's house and abide by a curfew enforced using an electronic tag.
A sum of surety, put up by friends but which was not disclosed publicly, was also imposed.
Adoboli was said to be "delighted" to have been given bail.

Courts Martial

Our team at Bark &Co have wide experience of Courts Martial both in UK and abroad including in areas of conflict such as Iraq. We also retain ex-military experience within the firm to ensure we can be sensitive and responsive to the unique circumstances affecting servicemen and women and their families, especially when they are serving abroad. The Services demand standards of discipline which are distinctive to the armed forces and which have penalties for conduct that would not attract the same action in civilian employment eg AWOL and disobeying a lawful command. This separate military justice system is very familiar to our team at Bark & Co where we adopt a policy of personal contact providing expert legal advice at the earliest stage of proceedings.

When a service person is remanded for court martial they become eligible for Legal Aid. ACFLAA will, if requested, select a solicitor to represent them in this situation. But serving personnel also have the right and are encouraged to choose their own representative from the legal profession to assist in their defence case. This is where Bark & Co are at your service 24 hours a day.

We at Bark & Co have an excellent track record representing military personnel, either through legal aid or on a private fee basis. Either way, you will receive the benefit of longstanding experience and familiarity with the military and we will engage the services of specialist barristers whenever necessary to fight your case to best effect.